Tuesday, August 30, 2022


 Today was fun! My laptop died in last period, but we analyzed 2 more of Emily Dickinson's poems and I just wonder: Does she ever create anything positive? She always seems to be mentally turmoiled, sad, or some other negative emotion. I don't know but I don't mind dissecting them. Also, I think the air in the school is messed up or something, because it's been a lot hotter than usual in the hallways and classes. I have nothing else to rant about, so I will wrap this up now. Bye.

Monday, August 29, 2022


 Today was pretty uneventful, I struggled in math before coming to ELA today so that was fun. We went over some space topics in class which really got me interested because I love astrology and I can talk about it for hours. All in all, I really liked the bell ringer for today and it got me hooked for the rest of class. It was so funny when Jabrea fell asleep and was snoring when we were all silent. Today was uneventful, but fun.

8/29/22 Bell Ringer

I think the probability of life outside Earth is very likely and I always have. Even before this video, I fully believed there was life outside of Earth. I know how small Earth is to the universe and especially from Mars, because the universe is infinitely big, so anything can look small from a distance. Even looking at Mars from Earth is so hard to do with the naked eye. The sound of the black hole is what I'm skeptical about. That could just be the sound of the drone microphone being destroyed and tampered with, but I don't think that the black hole itself made that sound. I believe our life is very very meaningless compared to just Earth. I believe extraterrestrial life has always been probable and I believe that other life other than just Earth exists for sure. I fully 100% agree that there is more than just us in the entire universe, I even believe that there is other life in just our galaxy alone other than us.

Friday, August 26, 2022


    Today we watched a video about the rioting of Downtown Atlanta. We then had to do an assignment involving the word SPACECAT to dissect the text/speech we watched. Today was pretty boring but I got through it. It was my first day back from being sick so I had to take in a lot in the span of only 1 day. I also had a test to do in first period so I was pretty stressed out when I got home.

Monday, August 22, 2022


 Today was really uneventful. I was quite literally the most bored I could've been today. I had to do a test in 1st period that I think I did pretty good in. Then I went to physics and learned about acceleration and stuff. When I came to Mr. Reese's class I was already worn out, but we shared our unpopular opinions and I think it was pretty fun. There were a lot of good ones and a lot of bad ones. We didn't finish because the bell rung before everyone presented, but it was very fun and I enjoyed it.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022


 I believe the purpose of life is to cherish every living moment. You have to treat it like your last because you don't know if you'll ever get a chance to experience it again. The purpose of life is to find your purpose. It's kind of a scary thing to think about but it's something all of us see and experience for ourselves. I've always struggled with figuring out what i want to do with my life, so it's kinda hard for me but i'll get through it.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Poems and Weird Short Films

     Today we watched a video about a teacher talking about 2+2 being 5. There was a deeper meaning, but it was just funny to me. After that we read a poem and basically "dissected" it. The class as a whole worked together on it so it was kind of easy to get done. I ended up finishing it about 10 mins before class ended so I had some time to sit and do nothing but it felt good to walk out that door and finally go home. I was more energized today (thank god), and today was a lot more enjoyable than yesterday was. It was a pretty good day.

Monday, August 15, 2022

Effort is Everything - 08/15/2022

      Today we learned about formal and informal languages in writing and speaking. I barely stayed awake today because I was tired from staying up the night before. Also, I already knew this topic so I didn't feel the need to pay too much attention. He didn't tell me to take my airpods out so I got to listen to some music while taking notes which made the class a little more bearable, but it was still boring. Today wasn't all too eventful so that's all I have to cover.


My name is Deshawn. I go to Cedar Grove High School. I'm 16 years old and was born originally in Pensacola, FL, but I moved to Atlanta at a very young age and have been stationed here since. For fun, I like to play games, watch anime, and produce music in my free time. This academic year I want to maintain my grades, especially since I will have 3 AP classes next semester. I want to work on being better organized and my procrastination issues. I will need to work on these to keep my grades where I want them. I can really feel the pressure getting to me because of this. The jump from 1 AP class to 3 is quite extreme, but I'm gonna work towards it and try to do well this year.

Nov. 30

 Today I was so tired. We came in and logged into illuminate to do this paragraph of our narrative. I was really out of it today so I tried ...