Thursday, October 27, 2022

Oct. 27

 Today we did a kahoot activity and we played a game. I was winning at the start but i unluckily got an answer wrong and had to end up coming back. I made it all the way back to 9th and then dropped back down again. It was fun but thats about all that I got done today, especially considering we have a test tomorrow so nothing was done today anyways.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Oct. 26

  Today we took down some new vocabulary words. Also, we did an activity putting the vocabulary in the sentence. Next, we took time better understand the story. We answered the questions that we wrote down the previous days. That’s all we did in class today.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Oct. 25

  Today we finished reading the story. Also, we finished the papers that we worked on yesterday. We also took a vocabulary quiz today and everyone did well on it. Then we watched a visual representation of the story we read done by some high schoolers. That was about it for the rest of class.

Monday, October 24, 2022

Oct. 24

  Today we read the story “The Life You Save May Be Your Own”. Also while reading that we analyzed the story while we read. We identified the main characters, key points, and quotes, and learned new vocabulary. Then while we read we came up with questions we could answer about some key points/ events that happened. I was really tired and took a nap. That was it for the class.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Oct. 20

 Today was pretty confusing. I wasn't at school 2 days prior due to sickness, but I was able to catch on and catch back up. I still have makeup work to do tomorrow, but I should be able to get that situated. Today, we watched a video and read about virtual reality and the future. I really enjoyed the lesson since we all got our own cards to answer and respond to. I hope we get more lessons like this in the future.

Monday, October 17, 2022

Oct. 17

 Today was pretty boring and I really wasn't paying much attention since I felt sick the whole day. We watched a video and had to take notes on it. It was alright, kinda just a normal class day.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Oct. 13

Today was pretty fun. We got in class but I was pretty tired. We read a poem by Robert Frost called Birches. The poem was about childhood and how we can’t go back to it so we have to cherish it while we still can. It talked about responsibility and carefreeness. I really enjoyed it and it was pretty important to me because I don’t want to grow up honestly.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Oct 12.


Today was pretty boring. Our schedule ended up getting adjusted and the schedule/organization was a little wonky. When we entered 4th block, we got our green paper and read the other poem. It was pretty good, dating back to slavery, and altogether, this class was pretty easy today. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Oct. 11

 Today was decent. We read a poem created by Langston Hughes about motherly advice. The class was cut short today once again with a change of the bell schedule causing us to go to our homeroom. We didn't do anything for the duration of the day.

Monday, October 3, 2022

Oct. 3

 It's a brand new month and basically the same stuff going on in school. Today we finished off our book we were reading. We're very behind, especially considering the days we went on lock down and couldn't even come to 4th period. It's really been like 5 days since we could spend a whole day in 4th period until today. I have basketball conditioning tomorrow so I'm really trying to balance everything out, school and basketball, I've never done this before so it's going to be very hard, especially if I make the team. That's not stopping me from trying at all though. I'll try to push through and go harder than before.

Nov. 30

 Today I was so tired. We came in and logged into illuminate to do this paragraph of our narrative. I was really out of it today so I tried ...